Colliers REMS Canada

A message from John

We first said this at our 2016 Town Halls and it is just as true today: Our Why has come from what each of you brings to Colliers and the environment we create as a team.​ As we move forward together on our journey, I encourage you to continue living our Why and the guiding principles – and keeping each other accountable to them.

Our Why nests within the global Colliers brand values and gives you - our REMS teams - the guiding principles that empower your decision making every day.

It is not about heroics or grand gestures, but your daily actions and interactions with each other, our clients, our tenants and our partners that bring our Why to life. These are the small, incremental stories that make us who we are and it is a big part of why people choose to work at Colliers as well as why clients choose to work with us.

I hope you enjoy the videos from your colleagues across the country, and don’t miss the blooper reel!

What is a Why?

Even if you haven’t uncovered it yet, everyone has a personal Why​ - it’s the reason you get up in the morning. An organization’s Why​ is the purpose, cause or belief that inspires their behaviour.

For Colliers REMS Canada, our Why is the reason we exist. ​ ​


At Colliers International, we are a dedicated, passionate team of caring leaders.

We wake up every day inspired to


We just happen to manage real estate.

What Makes a Purpose-Driven Organization?

Shared sense of purpose​ – Everyone believes that we share the same purpose and Why.

Trust is everything​ – Our actions and behaviours continuously build trust with each other, our teams, our tenants and clients. This creates safe spaces where people can do their best work. ​


"Our Why already exists within REMS. It's about finding the right words."


Each of our stories highlights at least one of the 10 Guiding Principles. The number of the Guiding Principle discussed in each story is found on the video thumbnails below.


Our efforts in putting together these videos were not without some bloopers! Check them out in the video compilation below.


Interested and want to read more about leadership, purpose-driven organizations, and what makes them successful? Here’s a selection of recommended books (and Coles Notes-style summaries) as well as articles. ​

We love to hear from you!

Feel free to contact us. 

John​  |  Allan​  |  Scot​  |  Amy

​ © 2018 :: Colliers REMS Canada